Colonial Campaigns

Each Book Includes

  • History of the Campaign
  • Information on the Armies
  • Bibliography
  • Revised Sword and the Flame Rules
  • Scenarios and Campaign System

    Colonial Campaigns Titles

    Colonial Campaigns: Sudan – The Gordon Campaign 1882-1889

    Sudan-The Gordon Campaign features 10 action packed scenarios covering the fighting in the Sudan from 1882 to 1889. Other Sections Include: Campaign History, Detailed Uniform Information, Bibliography
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    Scenarios Included:

    Toski, August 3, 1889 The Rebirth of
    the Egyptian Army

    Om Waragut, November 4, 1882 An
    Austrian Soldier’s Finest Hour

    El Teb, February 29, 1884 First Blood

    Tamai, March 13, 1884 Breaking Up
    Osman Digna

    Abu Klea, January 17, 1885 Breaking
    the British Square

    Kirbekan, February 10, 1885 The
    River Column Triumphant

    Hashin, March 20,1885 Breaking up
    Osman Digna Again

    Tofrik, March 22, 1885 The Mahdists
    Come for Lunch

    Ginnis, December 30, 1885 The Last
    Wearing of the Scarlet Coat

    Handub, January 17, 1888 Colonel
    Kitchener is Wounded

    Colonial Campaigns: Zulu War 1879

    The Zulu War features 11 action packed scenarios from the British Conquest of Zululand. Staunch British Redcoats, Colonial Cavalry, The Naval Brigade, Lancers, Highlanders and a host of Zulu Warriors battle for the survival of one of Africa’s premier native states.
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    Scenarios Included:
    Sihayo’s Kraal, January, 1879
    Isandlwana, January 22, 1879
    Rorke’s Drift, Janaury 22, 1879
    Battle of iNyezane River, Janurary 22, 1879
    The Battle of iNtombi Drift, March 12, 1879
    Hlobane, March 28, 1879
    The Battle of Khambula, March 29, 1879
    Gingindhlovu, April 2, 1879
    The 17th Lancer at Zungeni, June 5, 1879
    Across the White Mfolozi, July 3, 1879
    Last Stand at Ulundi, July 4, 1879

    Colonial Campaigns: Sikh Wars 1823-1849

    The Sikh Wars features 10 action packed scenarios covering the fighting in the Punjab and Afghanistan.
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    Scenarios Included:
    Naushera, March 14, 1823 The Afghans
    attempt to retake Peshawar

    Jamrud, April 30, 1837 Last fight of the
    “Murat of the Sikh Army”

    Mudki, December 18, 1845 The Sikhs’
    surprise attack on the British Army

    Ferozeshah, December 21, 1845 The
    attack of General Gilbert’s Division

    Cornes’ Convoy, January 21, 1846
    Quartermaster Cornes & 30 men vs. 1,000

    Aliwal, January 28, 1846 General Harry
    Smith’s “Perfect Battle”

    Sobraon, February 10, 1846 End of the
    Akalis (the Sikh Holy Warriors)

    Kineyree, June 18, 1848 “No Englishman
    can be beaten on the 18th of June” Lt.
    Herbert Edwardes. C-in-C, Allied Army of
    Pashtuns, Daudputras and Sikhs

    Sudoosam, July 1, 1848
    The rebel Mulraj’s last hope for victory

    Multan, January 2, 1849 Into the breach
    with 1st Bombay Fusiliers a.k.a. “the Bombay

    Colonial Campaigns: Boxer Rebellion – Adm. Seymour’s Relief Attempt

    Boxer Rebellion: Admiral Seymour’s Relief Attempt features 10 action-packed historical scenarios from the first phase of the Boxer Rebellion. Fanatical Boxers, The Chinese Imperial Army and a train bound Allied force battle it out on the way to Peking. Also featured are three scenarios from pre-European involvement where the Chinese Army tried to suppress the growing Boxer movement.
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    Scenarios Included:
    Senlou Temple- October 18, 1899 Chinese Army vs. Boxers

    Laishui Boxing Grounds- May 16, 1900 Chinese Army vs. Boxers

    Boxer Revenge- May 18, 1900 Chinese Army vs. Boxers

    Skirmish on the Rails- June 11, 1900

    Anting Station- June 13, 1900

    The Relief of Lofa Station- June 14, 1900

    Cracker Guns- June 20, 1900

    General Nieh’s Pursuit- June 21, 1900

    The Battle of Peitsang- June 21, 1900

    Hsiku Arsenal- June 22, 1900

    Colonial Campaigns: Maximilian in Mexico – French Bid for Mexican Empire 1862-67

    Maximilian in Mexico features 10 action packed scenarios from the ill-fated French intervention in Mexico in the 1860s. The Imperial /French army consists of French line units, Foreign Legionnaires, Austrians, Belgians and the famous Sudanese Slave battalion. The Republicans field a wide variety of Regulars and Irregulars who exhibit the spirit of the machete!!
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    Scenarios Included:
    Puebla- May 5, 1862. The basis for the Cinco de Mayo holiday

    Camerone- April 30, 1863. Famous last stand of 49 Legionnaires vs. 2,000 Mexicans

    San Lorenzo- May 8, 1863. Dawn attack by the French

    Matehuala- May 17, 1864. Classic relief force scenario

    Callejon de la Laja-March 2, 1865 Mexicans ambush Austrians and Sudanese

    Tacambaro- April 11, 1865. First blood for the Belgian Legion

    Major Dundee- April 19, 1865. Can you get a famous US Actor back to the US?

    Rifles for Juarez-December 4, 1865. Smuggling rifles past the French

    Santa Gertrudis- June 16, 1866 Last fight of the Austrian Legion

    Miahuatlan- October 3, 1866. General Diaz makes his reputation

    Colonial Campaigns: Ethiopia 1887-1896

    Ethiopia 1887-1896 features 10 action-packed historical scenarios from Italy’s only colonial adventure. The Ethiopians, Italians and the Dervish clash for control of Abyssinia and the port of Massawa.
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    Scenarios Included:
    Lt. Cuomo’s Advance (The Battle of Saati)-January 18, 1887

    The Dogali Fight-January 26, 1887

    The Battle of Gallabat-March 12, 1889 Dervish vs. The Ethiopians!

    The Battle of Agordat-December 21, 1893 Devish vs. The Italians!

    Fort Halai-December 18, 1894

    The Battle of Coatit- January 13, 1895

    Rear-Guard at Debra-Alia-October 9, 1895

    Amba Alagi-December 7, 1895

    The Center Brigades (Adowa)-March 1, 1896

    Dabormida’s Brigade (Adowa)-March 1, 1896
