AoF Pictures from Fall-In '03
FALL-IN! November 2003

Ste.Marie du Mont - US Paras Night Drop into town, June 6 1944.
We're using some excellent buildings from Miniature Building Authority

Blied Belgium, 1914. Rommel leads his troops into town - this from the
forthcomming SkirmishCampaigns book on Rommel in WW1!
AoF Pictures from Historicon '02

Roy's gallant French officer! (Boxer Rebellion - way to go Roy!)

SMG firefight just above Omaha Beach (Normandy '44)

Point blank! (Normandy '44)

Firing Line Advances (Normandy '44)

Advance through the cow pasture, watching for mines (Normandy '44)

The Dervish Hordes