Arc of Fire (TAC:Skirmish) - A quick to play yet comprehensive set of new skirmish rules.
Beer and Pretzels Skirmish (BAPS) - Rules from Master Buck Surdu. These are great rules from a great guy.
Fireball Forward - A great new set of rules from Mark Fastoso. Playing this set is always fun and challenging!
Bolt Action (Warlord Games)- A new favorite with skirmish gamers
Skirmish ’90 - A free set of skirmish rules played in the UK
The Face of Battle - A set of Skirmish rules from Mike Ball
Guts and Glory - A new set of skirmish rules.
TAC:WWII - A super set of Platoon level rules by Chris Pringle.
BattleFront- A very nice set of Platoon level rules by the author of Fire and Fury.
Panzer Marsch! - A colorful set of rules compatible with SkirmishCampaigns from NHWC
O Group - A great set of Battalion-level rules from David Brown
Painted Armies- Go see Lee and Sharyl for great painted minis like Scott's FJ!
Wargames SA- Baxter has now aquired the entire FAA line and stocks
Brookhurst Hobbies - Brookhurst stocks nearly everything, including SkirmishCampaigns – Military Booksellers and Publisher
BattleFront Miniatures- A super line of 15-28mm stuff! (great Panther in 15mm)
Crusader Miniatures- A new and promising line of early war 28mm figures.
North Star Military Figures - Excellent European supplier
True North -Dave Jackson's great line of Poles, Soviets and other WWII minis
Game Mapper - A neet idea and way to make campaign maps.
Miniature Building Authority - Some beautiful pre-built AND pre-PAINTED buildings at great prices. See the picture below- this is the town square from Ste. Marie du Mont (from the Normandy First Hours Book) recreated using their buildings.

Musket Miniatures - EXCELLENT 15mm and 20mm skirmish buildings (what we use) - their Normandy line is excellent- see picture below

The scenarios in each book are designed to be linked to form two or more campaigns allowing maximum flexability in play.
The SkirmishCampaigns system features a realistic (and historic) variable order of battle for each scenario, guaranteeing countless unique scenario and campaign replays.
These books also include unique generic order of battle listings that can be translated to almost any skirmish rule system.