CHECK YOUR 6! What is New
Summer 2023 -- We have FINALLY (after 7 years) released the epic 80-page Fighting the Phoenix Jet Age scenario book. This book is filled with details about the Iran-Iraq air war from 1980-1988 in all its varying technological and human dimensions, We're really proud of the content and we hope you all enjoy it.
Fall 2022 -- We have released the very unique Under Southern Skies scenario book. It is a great combination of unique missions and aircraft from WWII and we hope all really enjoy it.
November 2019 -- We have released Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, a CY6-JA scenario book focused on the US Navy's air battles over Vietnam from 1965-1968. This book is the product of over three years of research, including many veteran interviews. We are proud to present this book in honor of the veterans of the Vietnam War. We are also working on several new CY6 books including putting the finishing touches on CB's Iran-Iraq War book - it will be the most modern of all our books and it is filled with really interesting (and entertaining) match-ups.
December 2015 -- Work is continuing on no less than FOUR CY6! and CY6! - Jet Age books. The long awaited Pacific Carrier Battles book, being written by Pete English is in final playtest, as well as the new Iran-Iraq Air War book by CB Stevens. In addition, two CY6!-Jet Age books focuse on Vietnam are in development. The first to be released will focus on the US Navy's war over Vietnam from the early stages through 1969. The second will focus on all US forces fighting in Linebacker I and Linebacker II in 1972.
Summer 2014 -- Floatplane Hell, the next scenario book focused on the battles between the US Cactus Air Force from Guadalcanal and the Japanese R-Area Air Force is published.
01 December 2013 -- Playtesting is going well on the new Guadalcanal - Floatplane Hell! CY6! scenario book. This book features the battles between the US Cactus Air Force from Guadalcanal and the Japanese R-Area Air Force which was made up mostly of floatplanes! The book is expected to be completed just after the new year.
01 June 2013 -- The newest CY6! scenario book, Crisis in Kashmir, has been released! This book focuses on the fight between India and Pakistan in 1965 - this book features CB's unique national campaign system that allows players to fight the war as a whole through their air battles.
08 November 2012 -- The newest CY6! scenario book, Road to Rabaul, has been released! This book focuses on the long struggle by US, British and Australian forces to capture the Japanese stronghold on Rabaul.
15 December 2011 -- The newest CY6! Jet Age scenario book, Star and Pyramid, has been released! This book uses the same campaign system that was featured in the previous CY6! Jet Age book, Air War Korea.
10 July 2011 -- CY6! has moved into the Jet Age with the release of CY6! Jet Age and a scenario book focused on Korea called Air War Korea.
25 February 2009 -- The 8th Air Force Book is coming along nicely and will be ready on schedule in July 2009. The book will have 26 scenarios in 3 mini-campaigns. These can be played by themselves or as part of a grand campaign. The book will focus on the critical period between Oct 1943 and March 1944. The book will also contain a new campaign system.
25 February 2009 -- Work on the CY6 Jet rules is moving along nicely. I have posted an example scenario in the Downloads section (Day of the Hunter). The planned release date for the rules is July 2010. We also hope to release at least one scenario book at this time with two others quickly to follow.
9 January 2007 -- Chris Pringle informs us that his "Aces Over Hungary" Scenario/Campaign book is on schedule for Fall 2008 release. Here is the picture we plan to use for the cover, it features a battle that will also be in the book.

Here is the update from Chris:
"The book covers the air war over Hungary from March 1944 to the end of the war. In 26 scenarios, it effectively provides two campaigns in one cover. The first half pits the Royal Hungarian Air Force against the US 15th AAF's strategic bombing campaign. In the second half the Hungarians contest the sky with the Red Air Force as the Red Army overruns Hungary. The book has been prepared in close collaboration with professional Hungarian military historian Csaba Becze, and draws heavily on the uniquely valuable information he has obtained in over 15 years of interviewing veterans and researching in Hungarian, German, Russian and US archives. Much of the information in the book will therefore be made available for the first time in English, or indeed, in any published form. As well as clearly portraying the evolution of the two campaigns, the book features appearances by many aces including the war's top ace Erich Hartmann, the famous Hans-Ulrich Rudel's Stukageschwader, the "Tuskegee Airmen", and a Soviet artillery observation balloon."
29 July 2007 -- CHECK YOUR 6! and the first three scenario books have been released and were featured at Historicon in two days of demo games. Over 100 people played in the demo games and we played four other non-demo type games. Thanks to all who played games with us!
29 July 2007 -- CHECK YOUR 6! dice will be available for special prizes. We could not resist.

13 July 2007 -- CHECK YOUR 6! and the first three scenario books are now at the printer and are expected back just in time for Historicon at the end of July 2007.
16 Jan 2007 -- CHECK YOUR 6! is nearing final completion with a scheduled release of June 2007. Along with the basic scenario book, the first CY6! scenario and campaign supplement, Over the Channel - Battle of Britain will be released.
16 Jan 2007 -- The production of CHECK YOUR 6! flight stands is also on schedule; last word was that they would be available prior to the game in time for Cold Wars 2007 in March.